Iron Pentacle Drop-in Questions

Iron Pentacle Drop-in Questions

How to Begin (or Re-Engage) Working with the Iron Pentacle

The Iron Pentacle is a magical and personal tool for becoming a more balanced, empowered, healed, and whole human. It's often worked individually, but working it in groups and communities is rich and rewarding - and quite practical to head towards better levels of self-knowledge, awareness in interpersonal relating, and overall group functionality. Nonetheless, in Iron Pentacle work, we're basically focusing on ourselves.

How I first got to know the Iron Pentacle — and how I like to re-engage with it after I've been away for a while — is through its points of Sex, Pride, Self, Power, and Passion. I do a deep drop into each of them and check in with what I find there — the feel of it, current issues, any cloudiness or unresolved pieces, hidden gems.

I like to journal, followed maybe by dancing and then running the Iron Pentacle — you might draw or paint, meditate, drum, or something else.

Here are some journaling prompts — feel free to personalize and adapt them.






For more on the Iron Pentacle, read Jane Meredith & Fio Gede Parma's co-authored book Magic of the Iron Pentacle: Reclaiming Sex, Pride, Self, Power & Passion.